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Engelsk Notes on a Music Album #2
"Sovereign" is an instrumental recitation of Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) i.e. an extensive Persian epic poem written by Ferdowsi as a collection of Persian mythologies. Here you will find western rock instrumentation with eastern flavor. Some songs, I think, are apt to be adapted for traditional Iranian dance; especially “Sovereign” and “Harem” tracks. Actually, I am looking forward to the choreographic performance adaptations for this work whenever possible. Imagine Iranian "Coffee-house paintings" and belly dance with distorted guitars performing cheerful rhythms... Unusual combination? No, to me that sounds all natural!
"Sovereign" is name of a music album.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Spansk Anotaciones en un álbum musical #2
Italiensk Note ad un Album Musicale #2
Fransk Notes de l'album musical 2
Nederlansk Notities over Muziek Album #2
Polsk Komentarz do albumu muzycznego #2
Russisk Примечания к (музыкальному) Альбому №2
Svensk Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #2
Norsk Anmerkninger om et musikkalbum #2
Tysk Notizen zum Musikalbum #2
Tyrkisk Bir Müzik Albümden Notlar #2
Hebraisk הערות על אלבום מוסיקה # 2
Dansk Noter om et musikalbum #2
Engelsk A Musician's Press Coverage
"The music has from time to time the same darkness as we know from Univers Zero." -Iconophobic album review
"[It is] far removed from the avant-garde parts of any musical universe"
"You need to tread carefully if you are entering the Iconophobic world of Salim. You have been warned."
"Iconophobic is a strong statement from Salim on life in his home city of Tehran."
"Without information freely given, the visceral heart of the creator will serendipitously change you."
"Without ever becoming predictable, and taking care to add in the odd dissonant or arhythmic segment, the gritty guitars and swirling violins create stunning contrasts..."
"...Hendrix and Santana have also obviously instructed the phenomenal axe genius that Salim truly is."
"After careful listening I really wasn't able to find any particular artists that have influenced them more than others, or indeed pinpoint any specific influences at all."
1. "axe" is a slang word for guitar.
2. "Iconophobic" is the name of a music album. (Please don't translate this word.)

Oversettelsen er fullført
Spansk Cobertura de prensa de un músico
Italiensk Rassegna Stampa su un Musicista
Rumensk Revista presei despre un muzician
Brasilsk portugisisk Cobertura de imprensa de um músico
Russisk ОБзор музыкальной Прессы
Dansk En musikers pressedækning
Svensk En musikers pressbevakning
Bulgarsk Преглед на музикалната преса
Polsk Recenzje prasowe
Norsk En musikers pressedekning
Tyrkisk Müzisyenin Basın Eleştirisi
Hebraisk כיסוי תקשורתי של מוזיקאי
Tyrkisk bağımlı değil, bağlı olacaksın..!
bağımlı değil, bağlı olacaksın..!
herhangi birşeye, şehire ,insana,işine..vs bağımlı olmuşcasına yaşamak değil..oraya bağlı olarak yaşamak anlamında
(bağlı=içten bağlılık,)
örn:değerlerine bağlı ama bağımlı değildir cümle bütünlüğü gibi.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Fransk Tu dois
Italiensk Non essere dipendente, sii fedele!
Latin Noli dependere, fidelis sis.
Persisk باید معتقد باشی، نه وابسته!
Engelsk When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me...
When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key of life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life.
A friend of mine once showed this quote by (as far as I know) John Lennon, and I translated it into Dutch for her and she subsequently translated it into her language. As I sent the sentence to people from other countries, they also translated it and the resulting translations have fascinated me. I'd love to see the quote in the selected/requested languages. :-)

Thanks in advance for your translation!

Oversettelsen er fullført
Persisk وقتی 5 ساله بودم...
Thai ตอนที่ฉันอายุได้5ขวบ แม่มักจะบอกฉันเสมอ...
Esperanto Kiam mi estis kvinjaraĝa...
Dansk Da jeg var 5 år gammel fortalte min mor mig altid...
Tyrkisk 5 yaşındayken, annem bana her zaman söylerdi...
Engelsk A: Hello, may I speak with Maral, please? B:...
A: Hello, may I speak with Maral, please?

B: Yes, who is calling? (...) One moment please, she is coming.
A: Thank you.

B: No, she is not here at the moment, she went out. Do you want to leave a message?
A: No, thank you, I will phone her in another moment. Goodbye.
A phone conversation with different possibilities. Please, adapt it to the most common vocabulary and structures in a real situation in Farsi, regardless of the original English text. Thanks!

Oversettelsen er fullført
Persisk الف: سلام، ممکن است لطفاً با مارال صحبت کنم؟ ب:
Spørsmål for denne tekst er "Kun lydelsen".
Engelsk Only God will cry for me
Only God will cry for me
Please :)

Oversettelsen er fullført
Persisk تنها خدا برای من خواهد گریست.
Spørsmål for denne tekst er "Kun lydelsen".
Polsk Mam wrażenie, że artysta chce więcej powiedzieć,...
Mam wrażenie, że artysta chce więcej powiedzieć, niż może. Może kiedyś się to zmieni.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Engelsk N/A
Engelsk Notes on a Music Album #3
In Ustuqus-al-Uss album I somehow inclined to jazz fusion and classic instrumentation. I think the eastern “blend” still dominates e.g. in “Ustuqus-al-Uss-al-Avvalin” which I think is the most progressive song I have ever composed (The second catchy guitar solo is performed by Pouyan). Some songs are extremely personal e.g. “Naught been I thou” which is an off-beat jazzy tune with unusual dance elements... These songs are my utmost fears and hopes - to a degree that made me mute from communicating by words. And thus they become instrumental sounds...
1. The word "progressive" in the phrase "the most progressive tune I have ever made" refers to "progressive rock genre". It means the tune that contains the most "progressive rock" tendencies.
2. "song" and "tune" are synonyms in this text

Oversettelsen er fullført
Spansk Notas sobre el Album #3
Russisk О новом альбоме
Italiensk Note sull'album #3
Fransk Remarques sur l'album de musique n°3
Nederlansk Over Muziek Album #3
Norsk Notater om musikk album #3
Polsk Komantarz do albumu muzycznego #3
Svensk Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #3
Tysk Notizen zum Musikalbum #3
Dansk Notater om Musik Album #3
Tyrkisk Albüm Hakkında Notlar
Hebraisk הערות על אלבום מוסיקה מס. 3
Engelsk Notes on a Music Album #4
The moment I came out of my mother's womb, I cried. Now, after finishing "Iconophobic" I know why. That deep void was a reality that I lost. I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord...

I used screaming guitars, classical instruments, electronic beats and even sound effects to grumble, pour out my heart, mourn and rejoice repetitively.

This album is a concept album about fearing the world of imagery. I don't know if it is really a psychological problem but I liked the idea of morbid alienation toward images, icons and in general, reality. Iconophobic's booklet contains a passage in form of a circle that reads:

"Alas that man was free...When there was no image.
Alas that image became a means... for altering the reality.
Alas that reality... is itself, an imagery by man."
1. "I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord" means "I played some chords on musical instrument hoping that they help me find [my lost] umbilical cord"
2. Iconophobic is name of the music album. Please don't translate it.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Spansk Comentarios al Album de música #4
Italiensk Note su un'album #4
Russisk Музыкальный альбом №4
Fransk Notes sur un Album de musique #4
Svensk Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #4
Nederlansk Aantekeningen bij een Album #4
Norsk Notater om musikk album #4
Polsk Komentarz do albumu muzycznego
Tysk Notizen zum Musikalbum Nummer 4
Tyrkisk Bir Müzik Albümündeki Notlar #4
Dansk Notater til et musikalbum # 4
Kinesisk med forenklet Notes on a Music Album #4
Engelsk Warning - Popups!
On this page you can view, edit and translate the pop-up messages which appear when users submit a new request or when they translate a text.

There are 3 kinds of pop-up messages you can manage here :

1 - the message displayed when submitting a new request and when selecting the source language.

2 - the message displayed when submitting a new request and when selecting the target languages.

3 - the message displayed (only to new members) when translating a text (when you click with the mouse into the translation text field ).

[note]Note 1 : If you edit a pop-up, try to keep it short, don't forget people don't read long texts :).[/note]

[note]Note 2 : If you create a new pop-up, [b]use English first[/b].[/note]

[note]Note 3 : The pop-ups are updated every day, but the modifications don't show up immediately.[/note]

[note]Note 4 : The message must be [b]specific to the language[/b], no generic messages, they are always displayed around.[/note]

[note]Note 5 : [b]Don't create a popup if it's not necessary[/b], popups are annoying for the users.[/note]

Oversettelsen er fullført
Persisk هشدار - بالاپرها!
Engelsk A Musician's Biography - Part 4
Salim's main influences include Jeff Beck and Thelonious Monk. He says about his own style of music: "I never decided to compose in progressive rock genre. I just have a very versatile taste of music listening... Maybe this is how progressive genre takes place. You let your mind free and it becomes progressive!"
This is about musical influences of a composer.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Tyrkisk Bir Müzisyenin Biyografisi - 4. Bölüm
Fransk Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année,...
Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année, je suis bien pris par mon travail actuel, mais je pense à vous tout de même, [b]chers amis et collègues de[/b] :1: ;)

[userid=91733] et [userid=21837] assurent toujours l'administration, et ils sont maintenant secondés par [userid=21383], [userid=76309] et [userid=140952], également de rudes travailleurs! ;) :)

Nous avons maintenant une rubrique [link=k_v_825_]FAQ[/link], qui était, paraît-il, très demandée, et aussi de nouveaux experts très jeunes et très compétents, la valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années! -%!

Autre nouveauté, mais pas des moindres, nous avons désormais une barre de recherche google interne au site, et c'est un grand avantage pour les usagers, membres assidus, experts et admins qui recherchent des textes déjà traduits sur :1: :)

Ce n'est un secret pour personne, je suis trés occupé par mon travail d'indépendant dans les jeux vidéos. Si vous souhaitez voir pourquoi je ne me connecte pas assez souvent, vous pouvez allez visiter les [url=]jeux iPhone que je réalise[/url].

D'ailleurs je suis beaucoup plus réactif sur [url=]twitter[/url] si vous voulez me joindre.
News for the site

Oversettelsen er fullført
Engelsk Too late for the happy new year...
Norsk For sent for et godt nytt år...
Dansk For sent for at ønske godt nytår...
Kroatisk Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,
Persisk خوب... برای تبریک سال نو دیر شده
Rumensk Ei bine...E cam târziu acum să vă urez un an bun...
Italiensk Beh, troppo tardi per augurare buon anno...
Spansk Es muy tarde para desear feliz año nuevo
Bulgarsk Добре де..... Твърде късно е да честитя Новата година,...
Portugisisk Bom... é demasiado tarde
Svensk Ok... för sent att önska gott nytt år
Nederlansk Te laat voor een gelukkig nieuw jaar...
Litauisk KÄ… gi...
Polsk Cóż… Za późno na życzenia noworoczne
Katalansk Bé... És massa tard per a desitjar un bon any
Ungarsk Boldog új évet kívánni már késő
Tyrkisk Tamam…iyi yıl dileği için çok geç
Ukrainsk Що ж... Надто пізно вітати з Новим Роком
Gresk Είναι αργά για τα χρόνια πολλά...
Tysk Nun gut... Es ist ein bisschen zu spät
Serbisk Dobro, kasno je da vam poželim Novu godinu...
Esperanto Nu... Tro malfrue por bondeziri pri nova jaro...
Kinesisk med forenklet 迟来的新年快乐
Finsk Tuota... On liian myöhäistä toivottaa hyvää uutta vuotta...
Bosnisk No... Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,...
Latvisk Labi… Apsveikt jūs Jaunajā Gadā jau par vēlu,…
Albansk Është shumë vonë për të uruar vitin e ri
Vietnamesisk Quá muộn cho lời chúc mừng năm mới....
Bretonsk Ma ... Re ziwezhat eo da souetiñ ur bloavezh mat deoc'h
Hebraisk מאוחר מדי ל"שנה טובה"...
Russisk Что же.… Слишком поздно поздравлять с новым годом
Thai อวยพรปีใหม่ช้าไปหน่อย...
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